I feel like this is one of those, ¨holy crap, what have I gotten myself into,¨kind of moments. Already I have failed keeping a regular log of my thoughts via the internet and with my handy pen, but that is really not the point of this post. we are now a week and a half in and after a week of torment, i recieve my schedule on monday...well kind of. this entire week has been meeting with directors, teachers, heads of programs, etc. i feel i am left with so many unanswered questions as all of my classes are directed by different people and all want things a slightly different way...who came up with this? my only relief is the very real fact that i am not alone in this confusion. i have 15 other people for that. I´m so lost in some respects that I cant even ask the right questions! ah!
Here are some of the things I know: from 8-12 everyday I will be working with special ed students in Cotacollao.The meeting we had with the directors was pretty challenging. They are some of the few people i really have no idea what they are saying, and they were further confusing me by confusing me with the 2 other julies in the program. After digesting the mouthfuls of spanish i tried to chew down, I found out that for the first month or so, i am responsible for very little, as the teachers and directors are sorting out who needs additional help and all those things. Later on, I will work with them to design activities for the students who need extra help...hopefully my espanol is better by then! So, while I was assured in this meeting that I´d have little to do for the first 4 hours of my day, i feel like this is bound to change. just gota go with the flow!
Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, ive been assigned to the bakery and or learning center. I have to talk to the Madres about this, but I feel if I am allowed time in the bakery, i will definitely introduce Barb Brills pie recipe!!
Wednesdays and Thursdays i will be teaching colegio level three girls. There seems to be just utter chaos in the English dept: which workbook goes with which grade, whether we go off previos lesson plans or by the book, who has what book, why colegio girls and the girls program are doing the same stuff, etc. I worked pretty much all day yesterday on a lesson plan and script for my first day. I thought I had gotten through the hour class when Julie, the girl who is teaching the other half of the level mentioned that the class is an hour and 25 minutes.....ah crap. i resolved this discrepancy this morning and now feel okay for the first day.
4-5pm seems to be my rough spot. why? well after a brief 20 minute meeting with Saul, director of the religion classes who lives in my building, i may or may not have to design an entire cirriculum. he gave little suggestions and ideas other than some workbooks, a silly bible game(kid you not), movies galore, and a bunch of rosaries and religios chotchkies to give away to those who have a ¨buen examen.¨Just looking at the material, i am bored out of my mind and need some serious creativity! My religious ed experience outside of 20 years of religion classes revolves around plays, skits, retreats, songs, etc about moral dilememas... these kids are too young for the heavy stuff. they are just learning about sacraments, moses, the jesuits, and basic jesus stuff! While i have a slight distain for the formalities, traditions, and religious rigamarole of the catholic faith, I refuse to let that get in the way of teaching these kids some values, morals, and lets not forget, have a little fun! ah well, it will be interesting. Saul said he´d give me a ¨planificacion¨ today. when translated, this means ¨family planning¨according to the dictionary i was given by sra. countney in 1999 for most improved student. but in all seriousness, i think hes giving me some more direction today. hes learning english and im scraping by en espanol.
As overloaded as i feel right now, i kind of want this challenge. Its what I came for. Challenge and the ability to adapt and push my limits is what I love and live for. Its why I love travelling and experiencing new things and places even if they make me uncomfortable (see bullfight in madrid). Its why i left a solid job in DC. Its why I had no problem picking up my stuff and travelling far from my creature comforts of home with only my broken spanish to talk me out of a dark alley or a drug raid to come here for a year. Its why I cant wait to overcome these beginning challenges and leave awesome lesson plans for future volunteers.
Last night I read a small treatise called, ¨Contemplation in Action: the Jesuit Way¨to get a better understanding of Jesuit spirituality. It ran through some of the history, why jesuits are or were critisized, how they find a balance between prayer and action, education and¨helping souls,¨poverty and sustainance, tradition and progression. I could literally hear my dad´s voice through all of it as he has more than obsessively praised the work of Jesuit education in his life, my brothers life, and anyone who has had the blessing´¨ to recieve it. I heard his words in my head as I paged through the treatise and felt a deeper appreication for not only why he obsessed over the statue of Peter Canisius and the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, but also for the work the Center does and how I play a part in that...at least for this year! Admittedly, had I given more consideration to Jesuit education, I may not be so bitter against the catholic church after CUA as I would rather express my faith through action, not the pope´s dictation. One quote I took with me from the treatise was, ¨Pray as if everything depended on you. Work as if everything depended on God.¨ While I think my religious beliefs stretch beyond the Catholic faith, I think this Ignatian quote is a good place to start....or consider.
anyway, time to get back. keep you updated as things progress.
lol to the Sra Courtney comment. I still have my dictionary from the 2nd grade Spanish vocabulary contest